The graduate employment market is extremely competitive and as such it is crucial that students are well equipped during their time at university to successfully progress and achieve their potential in the workplace. Employers greatly value the knowledge and skills that graduates develop whilst studying at university, along with the skills and experience they gain from undertaking activities beyond the curriculum. Studying for a degree helps students to enhance their intellectual confidence, logical thinking, communication and teamwork, and these skills are enhanced and broadened further by their engagement in activities such as volunteering, part-time work and involvement in association activities. The most employable graduates are those who not only possess such skills, but are able to reflect on what they have learnt from their experiences and articulate how they have developed their skills and why they are important.
Outcome Based Curricular Design
The curriculum and syllabus of all programmes offered at NICHE follows the outcome based methodology. Outcome based education (OBE) is student-centered instruction model that focuses on measuring student performance through outcomes. Outcomes include knowledge, skills and attitudes. Its focus remains on evaluation of outcomes of the program by stating the knowledge, skill and behavior a graduate is expected to attain upon completion of a program.
To measure the progress, OBE model uses three parameters, which are
NICHE curriculum structure defines the three parameters namely PEOs, POs and COs for the programmes. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing the graduates to achieve. Program outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. Course outcomes are the measurable parameters which evaluates each students performance for each course/subject that the student undertakes in every semester.
Each programme contains common core courses, departmental core (both Theory and Practical) Courses, departmental/free electives and supportive/additional Courses including the Project (mini/major/summer). A Student can register for Course(s) which he/she requires or intends to join during a given semester on the basis of the Program for each discipline as given in the curriculum and as per the advice of the mentor.
Impact Potential
In addition to the regular class room teaching to provide the overview of the subject appropriate handouts are provided to the students for complex problems and difficult topics. This scheme helps to avoid the communication difficulties and motivate the students to think further. In order to trigger the passive learners computerized communication tools and computer-based problem-solving tools are used. As the hall mark of blending technology for effective teaching learning process the interactive web based course materials and large video repository of technical lectures-courses in the streaming video format is made accessible to the faculties and students via our Intranet web server
Industry Exposure
Every Student is required to undergo Industrial Training and Educational Tour at least once between 3rd and 7th semesters of the Program. The Industrial Training shall be of at least 3 to 4 weeks during the semester breaks. There shall be at least one Educational Tour during the semester breaks. The concerned HOD shall arrange for the same. There will be one Industrial Visit during the semester breaks between 3rd and 7th semesters when they are not undergoing Industrial Training/Educational Tour.
All Students shall enroll, from 3rd to 7th semesters in compulsory non-Academic Courses which enable personality and Character Development Programs like NCC /NSS /Physical Education(Gym)/Sports/NSO/Youth Red Cross/Department Associations/Fine Arts Club/HAM Club/Photography Club/Hostel Services/ IELTS/GRE/University Functions/Driving Club/ Drama Club/Multimedia Club/ Journalism-Magazines Club/IEEE Student Chapter/ISTE Student Chapter/ Yoga Club/Paper Presentations/Other co-curricular and extracurricular activities, etc and undergo training.
Professional Skill Development
Due care has been taken to shape the overall personality of the budding technology professionals. The carrier skill development courses and personality development courses has been introduce to educate the nascent professionals. These intramural courses helps to transform our students to become an industry ready professional. Effective use of technology helps teachers to provide personalized, just-in-time instruction and intervention for all students, which are especially important when supporting underperforming students and students with disabilities. Technology, including scientific simulations, computer labs, and visualization tools, is an essential tool for inquiry-based learning, advanced research, and collaboration in the science, technology and engineering higher education.
The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) helps to transforms the traditional teacher-centric education into a learner-centric education. The learner centric teaching learning process helps the learners to transform the knowledge and skills imparted in the class room to real life situations. Academic freedom, under autonomy, helps for innovation and improves research activity. Our academic stream provides flexibility to the students to opt different set of courses according to their interest and industrial needs.
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