Date of Event : 2nd August 2020 Chief Guest: Dr.B.Bensujin, Registrar Department of Engineering, NIZWA College of Technology, NIZWA, Sultanate of Oman. Dr.Y.Brucely, Professor Mechanical Engineering, DMI St.John Baptist University, Malawi, Cental Africa. Dr.M.S.Senthil Saravanan, Professor Mechanical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor, Kerala. The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a One day INTERNATIONAL LEVEL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY [ICRAET-2K20] on 2nd August 2020 in association with Federal Association of Mechanical Engineers (FAME) under the coordination of Dr. N. Abilash, Associate professor & Head of Mechanical Engineering Department. The main purpose of the Conference was even though the entire world is struggling with the COVID Pandemic the students and researchers find difficulty in updating their knowledge. Considering this in mind, the department planned to organize it virtually through Google platform by mutually sharing their knowledge by leading academic scientists, researchers, Engineers, Research scholars and Students from various universities, colleges and Industries. It was organized in the hope to share their ideas, experiences and research results on all the aspects of Material, Design, Energy and other streams of Engineering. A total of 110 participants participated in this virtual conference and different topics of papers were presented. The selected papers are published in E-Proceedings and also in Journal of Emerging Technology in Mechanical Science and Engineering. The Chief Guest and special Guests of the conference inaugurated the event. The resource persons carried their points on the topics Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and given valid suggestions for the participants.