The conference is held at Noorul Islam centre for higher education University, Kumarkovil on 20th April 2023. More than 200 people participated in the deliberation of the conference. The inaugural function held at AC Auditorium. The welcome address was given by Dr.R.Rajesh, HOD/Mechanical, NICHE, Inaugural address was given by Dr.A.K. Kumaraguru, Vice Chancellor, NICHE, felicitation was given by Dr.P. Thirumalvalavan, Registrar, NICHE. Shri M.S.Suresh, Project Director , Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, is the chief guest. He had delivered the chief guest address. The souvenir of the conference has been released and has been distributed containing the abstract of research findings to the participants. A conference proceeding containing full research papers submitted for presentation was also distributed to registered participants. Three parallel sections were arranged for contributory talks. 75 contributors of research paper were presented during this conference. The best two papers from each technical session were awarded in the valedictory function held in mechanical engineering smart classroom at 4.00 PM. The participants gave good feedback about the conference.