The Department of Physics of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education has the proud privilege to host the CSIR sponsored National Conference on Materials Science and Green Technology (NCMSGT-23) during 9th and 10th March 2023. There were a total of 119 participants. We received a total of 90 abstracts from across the country. The inauguration of the conference NCMSGT-23 commenced with the invocation at 10.15 am in the AC auditorium. Our Pro Chancellor (Academics) Dr. R. Perumalsamy, Vice Chancellor, Dr. A.K. Kumaraguru, Registrar, Dr. P. Thirumalvalavan and the dignitaries on the dais lighted the lamp. Dr. B. Bindhu, Convenor NCMSGT-23 welcomed the delegates. Soon after the inaugural function, Dr. Renjith S, Scientist ‘B’ of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, delivered the key note address on the topic “Ionic liquids: Green material for a sustainable future”. Dr. Reena VL, Research Officer in Central Council for Research in Siddha delivered a technical talk on “Characterization tools for nanomaterials”. Dr. Sharu B.K., Assistant Professor, NIT Calicut delivered a talk on “Turning CO2 into 3D-printed Concrete absorption using 3D”. The oral paper presentation was conducted in A.C. Auditorium of NICHE. Besides this a poster presentation has been organized in the corridor of the A.C. Auditorium. Interactions and discussions happened during the event. The paper presentation session and poster presentation were chaired by Dr.R.Ganapathi Raman, Assistant Professor, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. Dr. T. Suthan, Assistant Professor, Lekshmipuram College of Arts & Science, Neyyoor, Dr. Reena V L, Research Officer (Chemistry), Siddha Regional Research Institute Poojappura and Dr. V.N. Meena Devi, Organizing Secretary, NCMSGT-2023. Prizes and merit certificates were distributed to all the winners during the valedictory session. The participants provided positive feedback during the valedictory session. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. V.N. Meena Devi, Organizing Secretary, NCMSGT-2023.