Onam celebration at EEE department
Skill development Program
One day workshop on Revit MEP
Entrepreneurship Awareness Program On World Entrepreneurs Day
one day workshop on basics of electrical power systems
Skill development Program on green energy
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education in association with ICT Academy is organizing virtual power seminar on the topic "Design Thinking" on 19th December, 2020 from 03.00 PM – 04.00 PM
A five days FDP on Recent Advances in Power Electronics for Faculties, organized by the Department of EEE, 23rd –29th, September, 2020 at the Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education in Thuckalay, India. There was around 70 staff members from various organizations in Tamilnadu participated. The resource persons were our prominent aluminizes. Each day it was started at 11.00 AM in Google meet and ended at 12.30PM. The resource persons delivered their ideas regarding the topics such as Basics of power electronics, Applications of power electronics, Labview for Embedded system design and Testing and Simulation of Power Electronics –A hands on method using MATLAB. Certificates were issued for all the participants.
Topics Covered: 1. Home Energy Auditing 2. Industrial Energy Audits 3. Types of Energy Auditing 4. Simulation based energy audit procedure for non-residential buildings 5. Specific Audit techniques
Events : Paper Presentation on Power Generation, HVDC-FACTS, Drives and Controls, Industrial Electronics, Fuzzy control and their applications . & (ii) Poster Design, Circuit Debugging, Project Expo, Treasure Hunt, Photography, Quiz Competition, Cultural Programmes, Fun Events & Games
Inaugural of National Level Technical Symposium INVICTA 2K18 was held in the Hill Top Auditorium. Research papers were presented in front of the judges and best papers were selected and awarded. Technical Quiz and Games were conducted.
The alumni meet of NICE 97
Dr. Sisil Kumarawadu, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Srilanka presenting on the topic of Optimizing Green Design with Building Automation and Control Systems (BACSs)
Key note Address by Dr.B.K.Panigrahi, Prof., EEE Dept., IIT Delhi on Computational Intelligence in Power Engineering and Dr. Nattachote Rugthaicharoencheep, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, Thailand on Optimization Techniques of Power Loss Reduction for Distribution System