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Lab Facilities

The greatest choice of courses

This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us must overcome in order to be successful.

Aero Engines Lab

Overview: Aero Engine lab have various used engines as well as running models

Aircraft Structures Lab

Overview: Aircraft Structures lab includes composite repair unit along with number of sophisticated research apparatus

Aircraft Systems Lab

Overview: Aircraft Systems lab includes retired aircrafts with activated firing and power units

Aerodynamics Lab

Overview: Aerodynamics lab includes digitally configured subsonic wind tunnel and relevant apparatus

Instrument Lab

Overview: Instrument room with FT-IR, Electrochemical Analyzer, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

Engineering Chemistry Lab

Overview: B.E/ B.Tech Engineering Chemistry Practicals

Research Lab

Overview: Research Lab with sophisticated facilities

Process Contol Lab

Overview: The Process Control Laboratory is sophisticated with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Distributed Control System (DCS), Supervisory Controller and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). The lab is equipped with Batch Process Station, Bottle Filling System, Water Level Controller, Speed Controller and Computer Controlled Processes like flow, pressure, level and temperature. It is also equipped with smart transmitters, closed loop pressure control station, pneumatic controllers, feed forward controller, ratio controllers and cascaded control systems. Students are also trained to design and implement controllers for different processes.

M.Sc Chemistry Lab

Overview: M.Sc Chemistry Lab (Organic / Inorganic/ Physical Chemistry Practicals)

Virtual Instrumentation Lab

Overview: Virtual Instrumentation Lab focuses on Virtual Real Time Systems using NI LabView, MATLAB/SIMULINK, etc.

Industrial Instrumentation Lab

Overview: Industrial Instrumentation Lab imparts knowledge and expertise to handle instruments generally available in an industry.

Electronics Lab

Overview: Electronics Lab dealing with studying the characteristics of different electronic devices and simple circuits.

Measurement Lab

Overview: Measurement lab enabling students to understand the fundamentals of various measuring instruments.

Transducer Lab

Overview: Transducer Laboratory is equipped with modern sensors and transducers.

Integrated Circuits Lab

Overview: The Integrated circuits lab providing facilities to learn about the linear and non-linear applications of IC’s

Embedded Instrumentation Lab

Overview: Embedded Instrumentation Lab focuses on using ARM controllers and Arduino kits for various instrumentation applications.

M.Sc. Physics Laboratory

Overview: M.Sc., Physics Laboratory with all the major equipments like Michelson Interferometer, Dielectric Constant, Laser source and optical fiber, Hall effect apparatus, Ultrasonic interferometer for liquids,Ultrasonicator, Pelletizer, Spectrometer, Travelling microscope and Microprocessor 8085.

First year B.E/B.Tech. Physics Laboratory

Overview: The well-equipped B.E/B.Tech Physics laboratory to train students

Probe Sonicator and Centrifuge apparatus

Overview: Probe Sonicator and Centrifuge apparatus in Research Laboratory

Muffle Furnace

Overview: Muffle furnace, a front-loading box-type oven for high-temperature applications

Dielectric Constant Kit

Overview: Dielectric Constant Kit, a versatile instrument for measuring the dielectric constant a material.

Hot air oven

Overview: Hot air oven using dry heat to sterilize.

Four probe set up

Overview: Four probe set up used to measure the resistivity of the semiconductor material.

Constant temperature bath

Overview: Constant temperature bath maintaining constant temperature in homogeneous substances

Electrical Machines Lab

Overview: Electrical Machines Lab

Control Systems Lab

Overview: Control Systems Lab

Power System Simulation Lab

Overview: Power System Simulation Lab

Power Electronics Lab

Overview: Power Electronics Lab

First year B.E/B.Tech. Physics Laboratory

Overview: The well-equipped B.E/B.Tech Physics laboratory to train each student.


Overview: In 2005, NICHE established the Soil Mechanics Laboratory. This state-of-the-art laboratory is furnished with all of the required equipment for teaching and research in soil mechanics and foundation engineering at the postgraduate level. Under the guidance of faculty members and research scholars, this laboratory conducts research, consultancy, and routine soil testing.


Overview: Concrete is a commonly used building material because of its mouldability and durability. Students can test and inspect cement, aggregates, concrete, and concrete qualities in this lab to determine the quality of construction materials. Students can use the laboratory to test various types of fresh and hardened cement concrete to see how they affect the performance of RCC structures.The concrete technology lab has a variety of equipment and machines, including a Sieve Shaker, a Compressive Testing Machine, a Flexure Testing Machine, a Compaction Factor Apparatus, a Permeability apparatus, etc...


Overview: The Environmental Engineering Laboratory, which opened in 2013, is fully equipped with the necessary equipment and for monitoring water and wastewater quality parameters such as total dissolved/suspended solids, turbidity, hardness, alkalinity, acidity, chlorides, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, and most likely bacterial numbers. This laboratory is now being maintained and operated in order to conduct experiments for UG level course content. This laboratory is now undergoing the installation of research equipment with more advanced features.


Overview: The Surveying laboratory is well-equipped with all of the necessary instruments and tools to aid student's overall comprehension and practical expertise. Students learn how to collect data in the field using both old and modern tools.


Overview: The NICHE Structural Engineering Laboratory supports a wide range of operations including teaching, research, development, and consulting. Experiments on model/prototype structural elements and assemblies under various static and dynamic loading conditions are among the main activities.

Geology Lab

Overview: The Geology Lab covers basic earth processes and earth materials. students develop skills in observation of natural phenomena, identification of rocks and minerals.

Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory

Overview: In Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory the major equipment’s available are Auto Analyser, ECG Machine, Defibrillator, Baby Ventilator, Adult Ventilator, Baby Warmer and Tread Mill are available for measuring various physiological parameters.

Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory

Overview: In Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory the major equipment’s available are Laminar Air Flow, Microscopes, Centrifuge, Autoclave and Magnetic Stirrer are available. The Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory is well equipped for conducting experiments related to microbial activities, stains and pathological experiments.

Marine Simulator Lab

Overview: Cadets doing Engine Room Simulation in Simulator Laboratory

Marine workshop Lab

Overview: Cadets overhauling valves in Marine Workshop

Ship in campus

Overview: Cadets overhauling the Main Engine in the Ship in Campus

Welding Lab

Overview: Cadets practicing welding in Welding Laboratory

Electronics Lab

Overview: Students working on Basic Electron Devices Experiments

Integrated Circuits Lab

Overview: Students Performing Experiments with Digital ICs

Microwave Lab

Overview: Students doing Experiments with Microwave Equipments.


Overview: Students doing Simulation using VLSI Kits

Digital Circuits Lab

Overview: Students Performing Experiments with Digital ICs

Optical and RF Lab

Overview: Students working on Optical and RF Equipments

Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab

Overview: The CFD Lab serves as a basic computational Platform for Design, Research and Educational activities. The CFD lab consists of a 40 Node Linux OS based Cluster. The basic unit is a Xeon GHz Quad pro processor and a ten such units make up the total system and one of these units constitutes as the main server. At present ANSYS 12 CFD Version has been installed

Software Development Lab

Overview: The Software Development Lab is equipped with 62 latest configured systems having the state-of-the-art computing resources providing one-to-one access to students. The lab has an array of application suites from all leading developers like Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, Rational etc. It is fully geared to support the delivery of quality education and research facilities. The computer lab is upgraded from time to time to ensure that the facilities remain at par with the latest. Students will have access to a variety of mainstream PC software, including industry standard application packages, growing range of windows software, discipline specific software, and a host of other software for analyzing business problems, ranging from oracle, turbo C++, Java, Visual Studio, MS Office, IBM Rational Rose, Linux and .net. The lab is air-conditioned and is backed up by high caliber UPS to ensure uninterrupted operations. To assist the needs of users, we have got other peripherals like printers, scanners, video capture card, digital camera, web cameras etc. and in addition, LCD, OHP and C-TV is provided which aids in ICT enabled teaching.

System Programming Lab

Overview: The System Programming Lab features 36 computers. In addition to basic software, systems are installed with special software like AutoCAD for computer-aided design, STAAD Pro structural analysis and Matlab software for solving technical computing problems. The lab is air conditioned, thereby maintaining the required temperature, air distribution and humidity. The lab is open all day for student use and classes. It is also a good place for students working on both Java and C/C++ projects for their introductory computer science courses.

Cyber Forensics Lab

Overview: In Cyber Forensics Lab, various cyber tools such as SIMXtractor for analyzing SIM cards, CDR (Call Data Record) Analyzer, is used to analyze the call data record and generates a comprehensive report of frequency statistics including service provider details and subscriber details of call data record numbers. MobileCheck is used for analyzing, acquiring and reporting evidences from mobile devices were used for the beneficial of students. In addition to this, NetForce Suite is used to analyze the network packets and trace emails. Data sent through the network can be captured, recreated and exported using this tool. Our students will be highly beneficial and gain knowledge from accessing these tools which copes with the current industry needs.


Overview: The Biochemistry and Human Physiology Laboratory is equipped with major equipment’s Calorimeter, Centrifuge, Water Bath, Incubator, Kymograph, and Ophthalmoscope. In this Laboratory Biochemical Analysis and Estimation of Sugar, Cholesterol, Protein and Albumin etc. are conducted.

Aircraft Engines Lab

Overview: Engines are considered as a heart (power source) of aircraft. The institute lab has a lot of engine components and accessories as placed in lab for ease of inspection & understanding of their design, construction, materials, attachment & functional features.

Aircraft Electrical Lab

Overview: AME department has a well-equipped electrical lab. It is furnished by a number of components, item of equipment's and system layout with system demonstration mock-ups. They are managed in a way that student is able to understand working & system operation of these in aircraft.

Aircraft Instruments Lab

Overview: This lab has a variety of aircraft instruments used in different type of civil & military aircrafts. The lab is dedicated to develop the skills of candidate/person by its basic & advanced system mock-ups in line with aircraft genuine instruments.

Aircraft Radio-Communication Equipment’s Lab

Overview: The lab is to train a student on radio & navigation system components & different terms used in controlling of air traffic in aviation. It has a number of layouts, training kits, transmitting circuits & their corresponding receivers.

Aircraft Airframe Lab

Overview: The Lab has a variety of airframe components in discrete quantity with which it is easily used to describe all basic & advanced system in terms of construction, layout, uses & operational features.

Nano-characterization facility

Overview: Major Instruments available in the Nano-characterization facility for a total amount of 148.12 lakhs • XRD- D2 Phaser • Atomic Force Microscope • Electro Chemical Work Station • Particle Size Analyser • FTIR • TG-DTA • Ultra-Pure Water • UV-Vis Spectrophotometer • Surface Area Analyzer • UPS for AFM

Advanced Nano materials Research Laboratory

Overview: Facilities available in the Advanced Nano materials Research Laboratory for a total value of 25 lakhs • Near Infra-red Spectrometer • Photoluminescence Spectrometer • Glove Box • Hot air oven • Ultrasonic water bath • Tubular Furnace • Ultra centrifuge • Electronic balance • Ball Mill • Muffle Furnace

Nano Applications & Research Laboratory

Overview: Nano Applications & Research Laboratory includes the facility for energy and biomedical applications of nano materials. The major instruments included are • High Temperature furnaces • Autoclave • Peristaltic Pump • Heating Mantel • Incubator • Ball Mill • Laminar Flow Combiner • Magnetic Stirrer • Hot Plat Ceramic Top • Orbital Shaking Incubator • BH Curve Tracer • Ultrasonic Probe Sonicator

Nanomaterials Synthesis Laboratory

Overview: Nanomaterials Synthesis Laboratory constitutes the basic facilities required for Material production. The major equipment’s available are • Digital Electronic Balance • Hot Air Oven • Vacuum Pump • Double Distilled Water Plant, • Vacuum Oven • Muffle Furnace • Spin Coater • Gun For Liq. Spray • Air Compressor • UV Lamp with fittings • Magnetic Stirrer • Mechanical Stirrer • Electric water bath double walled • Ultrasonic Cleaner

Airframe & Composite Materials Laboratory

Overview: Airframe materials are designed to provide long-term support for both the static weight of aircraft and additional load subjected from service. This concept requires airframe materials to possess acceptable densities for the weight reduction and appropriate mechanical properties for the intended use.


Overview: This lab provides a good exposure about Personal Protective equipment’s, different industrial hygiene practices and measurements also grasp knowledge about estimate the hygiene of an industry.


Overview: The main objective of this lab is providing an exposure about preparation of different safety document, Knowledge about Safety Audit, Safety Inspection, Risk assessment Procedure, Confined space requirements, LOTO, Work permit system for different workplace and other important documentation necessary for the safety Professional.


Overview: This Lab provides an excellent exposure about life saving skills necessary for the safety professionals, role and responsibilities of a first aider, rescue skills, manage a variety of conditions and learn the emergency treatments in different critical situation with hands on demo.


Overview: This lab provides an excellent exposure about firefighting skills, Rescue Techniques and impart skill about how to use various firefighting equipment’s through real time scenario. In addition with firefighting training provided through the Industry experts


Overview: This lab provides an knowledge about different performance test about firefighting equipments,testing methods of different fire Extinguishers, testing standards about extinguishing agent (DCP and foam), also learn the functions of different automatic fire suppression systems


Overview: iOS App development opens a new era and dimension in mobile apps development. iOS is the most popular mobile operating system platform in the world, after Android. The Apple iOS Lab in department of CSE aims to build applications for iPhone and iPad in the arena of mobile app development, bridging the gap between academia and industry for our students. The iOS lab aims at providing students the knowledge on the Apple iMac X Operating System Environment. Macintosh OS X is the World’s most advanced operating system. iOS lab provides modern computational and research facilities to both our Under graduate & Post graduates and research students.

Software Engineering Lab

Overview: Software Engineering lab is equipped with 65 computers, all consisting of 64-bit i7 processors with 8 GB RAM, 250GB SSD, running on Windows 11. The Systems have latest version of softwares like Visual studio, Netbeans, Python etc for providing students with high end computing facilities for their assignments, projects, dissertation and research related works. Systems are installed with Java (JDK 20.0.1) enabling the students to implement and experiment knowledge acquired in the classroom. The system contains open source scripting language tools like PHP for creating dynamic and interactive web pages and various digital platforms. Computers in this lab are typically equipped with 1 Gbps internet access.

Computer Lab I

Overview: Computing Facility 1 equipped with 55 Intel I5 Machines(Windows 11 OS) with SSD and advanced computing facilities, having connectivity to LAN and Wifi, Installed with all necessary software like Python, Java, Apache Server, Oracle, Visual Studio, Andriod Studio, SQL, MySQL, Office Package etc.

Computer Lab 2

Overview: Computing Facility 2 equipped with 50 Intel I3 Machines(Windows 7 OS) with advanced computing facilities, having connectivity to LAN and Wifi, Installed with all necessary software like Python, Java, Apache Server, Oracle, Visual Studio, Andriod Studio, SQL, MySQL, Office Package etc.

IC Engine Lab

Overview: The IC (Internal Combustion) Engine Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, part of the Mechanical Engineering department, provides students with hands-on experience in understanding and analyzing the performance of internal combustion engines. This lab is equipped with various engines, including petrol and diesel, where students can conduct experiments to measure parameters such as brake power, fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, and exhaust emissions

Dynamics of Machinery Lab

Overview: The Dynamics of Machines Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education is designed to support the study and experimentation of the principles underlying the dynamic behavior of mechanical systems and machinery. This lab enables students to understand concepts like kinematics, kinetics, balancing, vibration, and other aspects that influence machine performance and stability.


Overview: The CAD Lab (Computer-Aided Design Lab) at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education is equipped to provide students with hands-on experience in designing and modeling engineering components and systems. This lab is essential for developing skills in digital design, allowing students to create, modify, analyze, and optimize designs using specialized CAD software.


Overview: The CAM Lab (Computer-Aided Manufacturing Lab) at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education is designed to teach students the integration of manufacturing processes with computer technology, focusing on converting digital designs into physical products. This lab provides practical exposure to CAM tools and techniques essential for modern automated manufacturing and production.

Lathe Shop

Overview: The Lathe Shop at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education is a fundamental workshop where students gain practical experience in machining operations. Equipped with various lathe machines, this lab enables students to perform essential manufacturing processes such as turning, facing, knurling, threading, and drilling. By working directly with lathes, students learn to operate these machines safely and effectively, understand material properties, and practice precision techniques that are critical in shaping metal components to specified dimensions. This hands-on experience is invaluable for mechanical engineering students, preparing them for real-world applications in manufacturing and production industries.

Strength of Materials Lab

Overview: The Strength of Materials (SOM) Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education provides students with practical insights into material properties and behavior under various loads. Through experiments like tensile, compression, bending, and hardness tests, students learn to analyze material strength, elasticity, and failure points, which are crucial for designing safe and efficient structures in engineering.

Special Machines Lab

Overview: The Special Machines Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education offers students hands-on experience with advanced electrical machines, including stepper motors, servo motors, and synchronous machines. This lab focuses on understanding the operation, control, and applications of these machines, preparing students for specialized roles in automation, robotics, and industrial control systems.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Overview: The Fluid Mechanics Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education enables students to study fluid behavior and dynamics through practical experiments. Equipped with devices like flow meters, venturi meters, and Bernoulli’s apparatus, the lab helps students understand key principles such as fluid flow, pressure, and velocity, which are essential for applications in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering.

Fluid Machinery Lab

Overview: The Fluid Machinery Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education allows students to explore the operation and performance of hydraulic machines like pumps, turbines, and jets. Through hands-on experiments, students learn to analyze efficiency, energy transfer, and fluid power, which are essential concepts for applications in power generation, water management, and industrial systems.

Foundary and Plumping Shop

Overview: The Foundry and Plumbing Shop at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education provides students with practical skills in metal casting and plumbing techniques. In the foundry section, students learn molding, casting, and finishing processes, while the plumbing section teaches pipe fitting, joining methods, and maintenance skills, essential for various engineering and construction applications.

Mechatronics and Instrumentation Laboratory

Overview: The Mechatronics and Instrumentation Laboratory at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education equips students with practical knowledge in integrating mechanical, electronic, and computer systems. Featuring equipment like sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers, the lab enables students to design and control automated systems, providing essential skills for robotics, industrial automation, and precision measurement applications.

Welding Shop

Overview: The Welding Shop at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education offers students hands-on training in various welding techniques, including arc, Gas, and welding. Students learn the fundamentals of metal joining, safety practices, and welding design principles, preparing them for careers in the fabrication and manufacturing industries.

Smithy Shop

Overview: The Smithy Shop at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education provides students with practical experience in shaping and forming metal through traditional blacksmithing techniques. Students learn to use tools like hammers, anvils, and forges to manipulate metal, developing essential skills in metalworking and fabrication for various engineering applications.

Heat Transfer and Fuel Testing Lab

Overview: The Heat Transfer and Fuel Testing Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education focuses on experimental analysis of heat transfer processes and fuel properties. Students conduct experiments on conduction, convection, and radiation, as well as testing the performance and efficiency of various fuels, equipping them with essential knowledge for applications in thermal engineering and energy systems.

Carpentry and Fitting

Overview: The Carpentry and Fitting Shop at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education provides students with hands-on training in woodworking and assembly techniques. Students learn to use various tools and machinery for cutting, shaping, and joining wood, developing essential skills for construction, furniture making, and mechanical assembly in engineering projects.

Metallurgy Lab

Overview: The Metallurgy Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education allows students to explore the properties and behaviors of metals through practical experimentation. Students conduct tests on material composition, structure, and mechanical properties, gaining essential knowledge for applications in material selection, processing, and quality control in engineering and manufacturing.

Steam Lab

Overview: The Steam Lab at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education focuses on the principles of steam generation and its applications in power systems. Students engage in experiments with steam boilers, turbines, and condensers, gaining hands-on experience that is crucial for understanding thermodynamics and energy conversion in engineering practices.

Dialysis Laboratory

Overview: A Dialysis Simulation Lab is an advanced educational and training environment designed to mimic the setting of a real dialysis lab. The simulation lab incorporates realistic equipment, scenarios, and sometimes patient actors or mannequins to provide hands-on experience in a controlled and safe environment.

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