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About English

Journal Publications & Patents

  • UGC Faculty: P. Deepa , M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Teaching English as a Second Language for Communication by using Selected Poem”, "
    Name of the Journal: Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches
    Vol. Volume 4, No. Number 7, PP.149-152.
    Publisher: Centre for Resource Research &Publication Services
  • UGC Faculty: P. Deepa , M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Activity Based Learning Enhances Speaking Skills with Poetry as a Tool"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities (IJELLH
    Vol. Volume 6, No. Number 4, PP.203-212.
    Publisher: IJELLEH
  • UGC Faculty: P. Deepa , M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Enhancing Speaking Skill Through Teaching Poetry as a Genre: An Analysis Based on a Select Poem"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities
    Vol. Volume 7, No. Number 3, PP.170-184
    Publisher: IJELLEH
  • Scopus Faculty: P. Deepa , M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Teaching Poetry Enhances Speaking Skills - An Analysis Based on Select Poems"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Technology
    Vol. Volume 7, , No. Number 4.36, , PP.619-623
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation
  • Others Faculty: P. Deepa, M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Targeting Communicative Competence through Poetry as a tool"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE)
    Vol. Volume 8, No. 2S3, PP.84-90.
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
  • UGC Faculty: P. Deepa , M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Teaching Poetry - A Novel Perspective in Developing Communication Skills in English"
    Name of the Journal: Contemporary Discourse: A Peer Reviewed International Journal
    Vol. 7, No. 2, PP.30-34
    Publisher: Contemporary Discourse
  • UGC Faculty: P. Deepa, M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Teaching Poetry as a Dynamic Tool to Acquire the Communication Skills in the Second Language"
    Name of the Journal: Man in India
    Vol. 97, No. 23, PP.315-324.
    Publisher: Roots International Journal
  • UGC Faculty: P. Deepa , M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Teaching Poetry - An Innovative Method of Developing Speaking Skills in English”"
    Name of the Journal: Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches,
    Vol. 3, No. 6, PP.5-9
    Publisher: Roots International Journal
  • Scopus Faculty: P. Deepa, M. Ilankumaran
    Article Title: "Teaching Literature Enhances Communication Skills - A Study with Special Emphasis on Poetry"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Technology
    Vol. 7, No. 3.6, PP.187-191
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation
  • Others Faculty: Amal Mohan M. S. , Prof. A. Khaleel Rahuman
    Article Title: "Troubles with Reality and Order through the Imagination in a World of Disbelief and Disorder : Wallace Stevens and Supreme Fiction "
    Name of the Journal: GLOBAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN SOCIAL SCIENCES : G Linguistics & Education , USA
    Vol. 20, No. 11 , Version 1.0, PP.15-20
    Publisher: Global Journals Inc. , Global Journals Headquarters , 945th Concord Streets , Framingham Massachusetts Pin: 01701 , United States of America
  • Others Faculty: Amal Mohan M. S. , Prof. A. Khaleel Rahuman
    Article Title: "Journeying Through the Walden : Henry David Thoreau, Walden and His Life’s Philosophy "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.1071-1086
    Publisher: IJELLH , ISSN-2321-7065
    Article Title: "Colonial Encounter and Collapse of Things in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 7, No. 3 , PP.pp.1095-1110
    Publisher: IJELLH , ISSN-2321-7065
  • Others Faculty: DEVU B SHANKAR , Prof. A. KHALEEL RAHUMAN
    Article Title: "Bildungsroman : A Study of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.pp.898-907
    Publisher: IJELLH , ISSN-2321-7065
  • Others Faculty: ABISHA , Prof. A. KHALEEL RAHUMAN
    Article Title: "Igbo in Ignominy – Cultural Transformation in Colonized Nigeria : A Study of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 2, No. Special Issue, PP.343-347
    Publisher: IJELLH , ISSN-2321-7065
  • Others Faculty: SHERIN S. , Prof. A. KHALEEL RAHUMAN
    Article Title: "A Study of Inscape as the Soul of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s Poetry and Piety "
    Name of the Journal: New Trends in English Language and Literature 978-93-84295-19-6
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.106-110
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: AYSWARYA C. K. , Prof. A. KHALEEL RAHUMAN
    Article Title: "Cosmopsis in John Barth’s The End of the Road "
    Name of the Journal: New Trends in English Language and Literature 978-93-84295-19-6
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.50-53
    Publisher: NICHE
    Article Title: "Advent of ICT in English Language Teaching and Second Language Learning "
    Name of the Journal: New Trends in English Language and Literature 978-93-84295-19-6
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.Apr. 2017
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: DHILSHA ZANAM , Prof. A. KHALEEL RAHUMAN
    Article Title: "Disaster and Redemption : A Study of John Barth’s The Floating Opera "
    Name of the Journal: NISMA Journal of Language and Literature , ISSN : 0973-3957
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.18 - 24
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: ASHA POORNA , Prof. A. KHALEEL RAHUMAN
    Article Title: "Metafiction and Metanarrative : A Study of Ian McEwen’s Atonement"
    Name of the Journal: NISMA Journal of Language and Literature ISSN : 0973-3957
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.30-36
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "A Focus on the Power of Youth: Student Unrest and Indiscipline – An Education Disaster"
    Name of the Journal: International Conference on Disaster Management, ICCDM 2012
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN: 978- 81-908498-4-5, PP.831 – 837.
    Publisher: Shils Publishers
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Eclectic Voices of Women: A Study on Githa Hariharan’s, The Thousand Faces of Night "
    Name of the Journal: Seminar on Indian Writing in English
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN : 978-93-81723-04-3 , PP.477-482
    Publisher: A. K. Publishers
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Metamorphosis of Indian Women at Contemporary Times in the context of Githa Hariharan’s, The Thousand Faces of Night"
    Name of the Journal: International Conference – Enriching the Connection between Literature and Life
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN: 978-93-80516-09-7, PP.423-427
    Publisher: Selvi Publications, Salem.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Githa Hariharan, “ The Voice of the Voiceless’"
    Name of the Journal: UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Patriarchal Predomination of Women in Indian Novels - A Feministic Approach
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN: 978-93-80767-22-2 , PP.30-34
    Publisher: Trichy
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "“Vignettes of Life in Margaret Laurence’s, The Fire Dwellers”. "
    Name of the Journal: National Scholars Meet, Interactive Seminar SMISE-2013
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.477-482
    Publisher: Nagercoil
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Victim and Victor: A Portrait of Women Characters in Githa Hariharan’s , The Thousand Faces of Night "
    Name of the Journal: UGC Sponsored National Conference on Redefining Feminism
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-81-928385-0-2, PP.357- 360
    Publisher: PG and Research Department of English, V.O Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Alienation and Assimilation in Margaret Laurence’s, The Fire Dwellers “ "
    Name of the Journal: International Conference of KAAS 2013
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN : 978-93-81658-07-9, PP.65- 68.
    Publisher: KASS
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Existential Crisis and Affirmation in Margaret Laurence’s, The Fire Dwellers "
    Name of the Journal: New Trends in English Language and Literature, NASTELL- 2014
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN : 978-81- 929117-2-4 , PP.139-142
    Publisher: Shiridi Sai Publications , Tiruttani
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & J. ANLET
    Article Title: "Portrayal of Modern Life : A Reading on Margaret Laurence’s The Fire Dwellers."
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Language and Literature Journal of Language and Literature
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.11-12
    Publisher: Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & T.STEPHEN
    Article Title: "Political Vision: A Reflection on Nayantra Sahgal’s This Time of Morning”"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Language and Literature Journal of Language and Literature
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.67-69.
    Publisher: Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & P. BETTY DAINN
    Article Title: "A Spiritual Encounter in Yann Martel's Life of Pi"
    Name of the Journal: International Conference on Business and Disaster Management
    Vol. 2, No. ISSN NO:0973-3957, PP.163-165
    Publisher: Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & R. ABINAYA
    Article Title: "Hagar's Rage to Live: A Scrutiny on Margaret Laurence's the stone Angel"
    Name of the Journal: ICBDM
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.160- 162
    Publisher: Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & M. DEEPTHI
    Article Title: "Memory and the Past in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea"
    Name of the Journal: ICBDM
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.166- 167
    Publisher: Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & C. SHABI REEJIN
    Article Title: "Pi’s Religiosity In Yann Martel’s Life of Pi "
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN : 978-93-84295-19-6 , PP.226- 227
    Publisher: Nagercoil
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & Benita
    Article Title: "Vitality of Family as an Institution in R.K. Narayanan’s Swami and FriendsVitality of Family as an Institution in R.K. Narayanan’s Swami and Friends"
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-93-84295-19-6, PP.166- 167
    Publisher: R.K Publications, Coimbatore.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & Christopher
    Article Title: "George Orwell a Political Visionary in Animal Farm "
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-93-84295-19-6, PP.172 -175
    Publisher: R.K Publications, Coimbatore.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & Anto
    Article Title: "A study of Feminist Modernism in Margaret Laurence’s , A Bird in The House "
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-93-84295-19-6, PP.158- 159
    Publisher: R.K Publications, Coimbatore.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & T. Ahalya
    Article Title: "Victim of Pride: Hagar Shipley in Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel."
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-93-84295-19-6, PP.245 - 247
    Publisher: R.K Publications, Coimbatore.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & S.Rejeesh
    Article Title: "Gender Justice in Sashe Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terrors"
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-93-84295-19-6, PP.215 -217
    Publisher: R.K Publications, Coimbatore.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & S.Jeron
    Article Title: "Suffering and Survival in Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve "
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-93-84295-19-6, PP.191 - 193
    Publisher: R.K Publications, Coimbatore.
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA & V.Merlin Divya
    Article Title: "Social Propriety of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice "
    Name of the Journal: NASTEL 2017
    Vol. 1, No. ISBN:978-93-84295-19-6, PP.204 - 206
    Publisher: R.K Publications, Coimbatore.
  • UGC Faculty: J. SHEILA & Sharsha.V.
    Article Title: "Realism and Racism in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Language and Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 1, No. Special, PP.342 - 347
    Publisher: ISSN:2321 -7065
  • UGC Faculty: J. SHEILA & Consalo P
    Article Title: "Freedom and Survival in Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Language and Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 1, No. Special, PP.356 - 361
    Publisher: ISSN:2321 -7065
  • UGC Faculty: J. SHEILA & R. Manchu Bharathi
    Article Title: "Conflicts Expressed in Achebe’s Arrow of God "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Language and Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.263 --264
    Publisher: ISSN:2321 -7065
  • UGC Faculty: J. SHEILA & A. John Joseph
    Article Title: "Assertion of Feminist Trait in Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Language and Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.891 - 897
    Publisher: ISSN:2321 -7065
  • UGC Faculty: J. SHEILA & S. Dimple Reena
    Article Title: "A Scrutiny on the Voiceless Community in MulkRaj Anand’s Coolie "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Language and Literature in Humanities
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.196 - 203
    Publisher: ISSN:2321 -7065
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "“Trial and Triumph: A Postmodernist Reading in Margaret Laurence’s, The Fire Dweller’s”"
    Name of the Journal: UGC Sponsored International Conference on Culture through Language and Literature
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.14
    Publisher: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel: A Journey towards Self –Transcendence."
    Name of the Journal: Proceedings of the Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences
    Vol. 1, No. Special, PP.99- 101
    Publisher: KAAS Publications Division: Nagarkovil
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Old Tracks are Lost : Resurrection of the Self in Margaret Laurence’s , The Diviners."
    Name of the Journal: ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchers
    Vol. 3, No. 1, PP.1- 4
    Publisher: A Peer Reviewed, Referred and Quarterly Journal
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Relationships: A Bonding and Bondage in the Manawaka Cycle of Margaret Laurence."
    Name of the Journal: ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchers
    Vol. 4, No. 8, PP.60 – 65
    Publisher: ISSN 2349-8684
  • UGC Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "“Conflict and Confirmation: A Scrutiny in the Manawaka Cycle of Margaret Laurence"
    Name of the Journal: BODHI International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science
    Vol. 2, No. 21, PP.72-79
    Publisher: E -ISSN 2456-5571
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "The Saga of Survival and Assertion in Margaret Laurence’s, The Fire Dwellers."
    Name of the Journal: LANGLIT : An International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.227 -29
    Publisher: Web
  • Others Faculty: J. SHEILA
    Article Title: "Conflict and Cultural Affirmation in Margaret Laurence’s The Fire Dweller’sweller’s"
    Name of the Journal: ACJELL
    Vol. 4, No. 1, PP.193- 198
    Publisher: ISSN 1725 2278 876X
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vanitha P
    Article Title: "Education & Self Confidence Accelerate Women Empowerment: A Search Among Middle Class Educated Indian Women in Eastern District of Dindigul, Tamil Nadu"
    Name of the Journal: Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
    Vol. 6, No. 12, PP.1130-1139
    Publisher: Indian Journals
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vanitha P
    Article Title: "Self-awareness: An Analysis of Middle Class Educated Indian Women from the Dindigul District in Tamil Nadu"
    Name of the Journal: The Anthropologist
    Vol. 29, No. 2-3, PP.178-183
    Publisher: Taylor and Francis
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "The Portrayal of Gender Inequality: A Study on Chetan Bhagat’s One Indian Girl"
    Name of the Journal: Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science
    Vol. 7, No. 2, PP.83-85
    Publisher: Center for Resource, Research and Publication Services
  • UGC Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "Diversification of Language: A Barrier for Survival in the Select Novels of Chetan Bhagat"
    Name of the Journal: Madhya Bharti Humanities and Social Sciences
    Vol. 82, No. 2, PP.159-165
    Publisher: Dr. Harisingh Gour University
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Divya M.S
    Article Title: "Applicability of Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Enhancing Oral Communication Skill of English Language Learners"
    Name of the Journal: Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science
    Vol. 7, No. 2, PP.102-105
    Publisher: Center for Resource, Research and Publication Services
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "The Depiction of Cultural Context: A Study on Chetan Bhagat’s 2 States: The Story of My Marriage"
    Name of the Journal: LangLit
    Vol. 1, No. Special, PP.206-210
    Publisher: LangLit and Research Center
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Shalini Rachel Varghese
    Article Title: "Narrating Little Pakistans, Revisiting Terror- Reading Anees Salim’s Vanity Bagh"
    Name of the Journal: LangLit
    Vol. 1, No. Special, PP.359-363
    Publisher: LangLit and Research Center
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Abhila V K
    Article Title: "Mythical and Humanised Shiva-A Critical Analysis of Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy"
    Name of the Journal: LangLit
    Vol. 1, No. Special, PP.250-253
    Publisher: LangLit and Research Center
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Parvathy M J
    Article Title: "Survival: An Act of Defiance Against Patriarchy in Jaishree Misra’s Ancient Promises"
    Name of the Journal: LangLit
    Vol. 1, No. Special, PP.112-114
    Publisher: LangLit and Research Center
  • UGC Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "Educational Conflicts of Indian Youth: Chetan Bhagat’s Five Point Someone- A Critical Study"
    Name of the Journal: Shodhak: A Journal of Historical Research
    Vol. 53, No. 1, PP.62-66
    Publisher: National Organisation of Historians and Social Scientists
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Binny Binoy
    Article Title: "Pedagogical Psychology: Concepts and Concerns in Learning English"
    Name of the Journal: ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches
    Vol. 9, No. 4, PP.81
    Publisher: Centre for Resources, Research & Publication Services
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Abhila V K
    Article Title: "Efficacy and Potentiality of Female Characters in Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy"
    Name of the Journal: ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches
    Vol. 9, No. 4, PP.56
    Publisher: Center for Resource, Research and Publication Services
  • UGC Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Abhila V K
    Article Title: "Realistic Interpretation of Myth in Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy"
    Name of the Journal: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
    Vol. 4, No. 8, PP.41-43
    Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
  • UGC Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Binny Binoy
    Article Title: "Advanced English Language Learning: Teaching, Listening and Speaking Skills to Indigenous Learners"
    Name of the Journal: Shodhak: A Journal of Historical Research
    Vol. 53, No. 1, PP.91-101
    Publisher: National Organisation of Historians and Social Scientists
  • UGC Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Parvathy M J
    Article Title: "Deconstructing the Institute of Marriage: An Analysis of Jaishree Mishra’s Ancient Promises"
    Name of the Journal: Shodhak: A Journal of Historical Research
    Vol. 53, No. 1, PP.48
    Publisher: National Organisation of Historians and Social Scientists
  • UGC Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Haseena Bai A
    Article Title: "Displacement and Cultural Identity: Tracing the Life of Immigrants in Abdul Razak Gurnah’s By The Sea"
    Name of the Journal: Shodhak: A Journal of Historical Research
    Vol. 53, No. 1, PP.121-126
    Publisher: National Organisation of Historians and Social Scientists
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "The Study of Educational System: A Thematic Study in Select Works of Chetan Bhagat"
    Name of the Journal: Migration Letters
    Vol. 21, No. 3, PP.193-198
    Publisher: Transnational Press London
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "The Delineation of Dark Society in Chetan Bhagat’s Select Novels"
    Name of the Journal: Yugato
    Vol. 76, No. 1, PP.564-569
    Publisher: YUGATO SOC
  • Scopus Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "Examining Sociocultural Dimensions of Metropolitan Youth Culture in Chetan Bhagat’s Five Point Someone"
    Name of the Journal: Theory and Practice in Language Studies
    Vol. 14, No. 5, PP.1299-1307
    Publisher: Academy Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "A Literary Analysis of Postfeminist Culture and Global Connections in Chetan Bhagat’s One Indian Girl,"
    Name of the Journal: Library Progress International
    Vol. 44, No. 4, PP.1800-1805
    Publisher: BPAS Publication
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "Indian Marital Dynamics in Select Novels of Chetan Bhagat: A Multifaceted Study"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Informatics Education and Research
    Vol. 4, No. 3, PP.1892-1897
    Publisher: Centre for Research and Management Services
  • Scopus Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "Exploring Narrative Techniques in Chetan Bhagat’s The Three Mistakes of My Life: A Critical Analysis"
    Name of the Journal: World Journal of English Language
    Vol. 14, No. 5, PP.218-228
    Publisher: Sciedu Press
  • Scopus Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Binny Binoy
    Article Title: "Applied Communication in Classrooms: Tips for Teachers to Enhance English Communication among Tribal Learners in India"
    Name of the Journal: Studies in Media and Communication
    Vol. 12, No. 4, PP.154-163
    Publisher: Redfame Publishing
  • Others Faculty: Subramania Pillai R, Vimal A
    Article Title: "Corruption and the Quest for Change: A Study of Chetan Bhagat’s Social Commentary in Revolution 2020"
    Name of the Journal: European Economic Letters
    Vol. 14, No. 3, PP.2326-2340
    Publisher: European Economic Letters Groups
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