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About English

Brief Into about English

The Department of English was established in 1989 under the Noorul Islam College of Engineering at Kumaracoil which was conferred the university status in 2008 and it started functioning as a deemed-to-be university from the academic year 2009-2010. The Department has been an integral part of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education (NICHE) since then.

 The Department offers primarily M. A. English, M. Phil. English and Ph. D. (Full-Time and Part-Time) Programmes. The Department has well-qualified, experienced and committed faculty members. A Department Library caters to the teaching learning needs of the staff and students with a treasure trove of 1064 books on language and literature. Research is given primary importance and scholars carry out their research in the diverse areas of literature and English Language Teaching (ELT) under the direction of the Research Programme Coordinator and the guidance of the research guides. Regular research publications in Web of Science, Scopus Indexed Journals, UGC Care Listed Journals and other prestigious Refereed Journals guarantee the quality of research carried out by staff and scholars in the Department.

Curriculum and syllabi are updated and revised periodically to ascertain the incorporation of new ideas and the latest trends and developments from the domains of language and literature. The department conducts conferences to give a platform to the young students, researchers and teachers to make them show their talent in paper writing and presentation. Many stalwarts in the field of language and literature are invited for talks and deliberations. The alumni, who are the lifeblood of the department, are well placed in various colleges and other sectors. The department is associated with English Language Teachers Association of India (ELTAI), a professional body for English teachers at national level.The Department of English was established in 1989 under the Noorul Islam College of Engineering at Kumaracoil which was conferred the university status in 2008 and it started functioning as a deemed-to-be university from the academic year 2009-2010. The Department has been an integral part of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education (NICHE) since then.

 The Department offers primarily M. A. English, M. Phil. English and Ph. D. (Full-Time and Part-Time) Programmes. The Department has well-qualified, experienced and committed faculty members. A Department Library caters to the teaching learning needs of the staff and students with a treasure trove of 1064 books on language and literature. Research is given primary importance and scholars carry out their research in the diverse areas of literature and English Language Teaching (ELT) under the direction of the Research Programme Coordinator and the guidance of the research guides. Regular research publications in Web of Science, Scopus Indexed Journals, UGC Care Listed Journals and other prestigious Refereed Journals guarantee the quality of research carried out by staff and scholars in the Department.

Curriculum and syllabi are updated and revised periodically to ascertain the incorporation of new ideas and the latest trends and developments from the domains of language and literature. The department conducts conferences to give a platform to the young students, researchers and teachers to make them show their talent in paper writing and presentation. Many stalwarts in the field of language and literature are invited for talks and deliberations. The alumni, who are the lifeblood of the department, are well placed in various colleges and other sectors. The department is associated with English Language Teachers Association of India (ELTAI), a professional body for English teachers at national level.

Department Laboratory
Notable Alumni
Courses in Department
  • M.A. English
  • B.A. Hon's English with Montessori
  • Ph.D. English
Department Pin Board
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Head of the Department
Mr. Khaleel Rahuman A

Associate Professor & HOD

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