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Mechanical Engineering

About Mechanical Engineering

Journal Publications & Patents

  • Others Faculty: A.Unni Krishnan ,G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Compendium of biomass technology for greenhouse gas emission reductions"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.6371-6374
    Publisher: Research India Publications :::
  • Others Faculty: G.M. Joselin Herbert S. Selvan Nambi and A. Unnikrishnan
    Article Title: "A brief reviews on environmental aspects of wind energy and biomass."
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.6371-6374
    Publisher: Research India Publications :::
  • Others Faculty: G.M. Joselin Herbert and A. Unnikrishnan
    Article Title: "Impacts of Bioenergy Usage –A Review"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Applied Sciences Research
    Vol. 11, No. 14, PP.195-199
    Publisher: American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information publisher
  • Others Faculty: MV. Bindu, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Enhancement of thermal Performance of Solar Parabolic Trough Concentrator- Techniques-review"
    Name of the Journal: Bonfiring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science
    Vol. Vol.9, , No. No.3,, PP. Pp 16-20
    Publisher: Bonfiring International Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Ramasamy, N., Rajesh. R., Pugazhendhi, S., and Ganesh,K
    Article Title: "Development of a hybrid BSC-AHP model for institutions in higher education"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
    Vol. 7, No. 1, PP.13-26
    Publisher: Inderscience
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K.
    Article Title: "A modified adaptive thresholding method using cuckoo search algorithm for detecting surface defects"
    Name of the Journal: Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Applications
    Vol. 10, No. 5, PP.214-220
    Publisher: Science and information organization
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K.
    Article Title: "Metallic surface coating defect detection using firefly based adaptive thresholding and level set method"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 10, PP.3698-3704
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K.
    Article Title: "Detection of surface coating defects using fuzzy C-means clustering with firefly optimization"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
    Vol. 9, No. 1, PP.4338-4343
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • UGC Faculty: J.Devarenjan, G.M.Joselin Herbert,
    Article Title: "Hydrogen a source of alternate fuel"
    Name of the Journal: An International open access Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
    Vol. Vol.05, No. Issue:12, PP.pp. 24-28
    Publisher: IJPUBLICATION
  • Scopus Faculty: Muhammed Khasis, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "A review on pyrolysis of different types of plastics."
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET)
    Vol. Vol.07, No. Issue:04, PP.pp.107-110
    Publisher: IJRET, Bangalore, India
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Selvan Nambi G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Design and analysis of wind turbine blades"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
    Vol. Vol.09, No. Issue:04,, PP.pp.102-115.
    Publisher: IAEME Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Selvan Nambi, G.M.Joselin Herbert,
    Article Title: "Manufacturing of proto type wind turbine blades using rapid prototype technology."
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)
    Vol. Vol. 8, No. 2, PP.pp. 103-112
    Publisher: TRANS STELLAR Journal Publications Research Consultancy Pvt.Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Selvan Nambi, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Analysis of new modeled twisted wind turbine blades"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET)
    Vol. 8, No. 12, PP.pp. 1148-1166
    Publisher: IAEME Publication
  • UGC Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, J.Devarenjan, Godson G. Shekhar
    Article Title: "Global renewable energy indicators for Sustainable Development"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering (IJFRCSCE)
    Vol. 3, No. 11, PP.pp. 162-170
    Publisher: Auricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Scopus Faculty: A.Unnikrishnan, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Biogas yield potential research of the waste from banana by anaerobic digestion."
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IJMET)
    Vol. 8, No. 7, PP.pp. 474-482
    Publisher: IAEME publication
  • SCI Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, A.Unnikrishnan, D. Amutha
    Article Title: "Quantifying environmental performance of biomass energy"
    Name of the Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
    Vol. 59, No. 14, PP.pp. 292-308
    Publisher: Elsevier publication
  • SCI Faculty: V.K Jebasingh, G.M Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "A review of solar parabolic trough collector"
    Name of the Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
    Vol. 54, No. Feb, PP. pp.1085-1091
    Publisher: Elsevier publication
  • Scopus Faculty: A.Unnikrishnan, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Impacts of Bio energy usage-A review"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Applied Science research
    Vol. 11, No. 14, PP.pp. 195-199
    Publisher: American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI Publisher)
  • Others Faculty: V.K Jebasingh, G.M Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Numerical simulation of elliptical absorber tube in parabolic trough collector for better heat transfer."
    Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Science and Technology
    Vol. 8, No. 24, PP.IPL0321
    Publisher: Indian Society for Education and Environment
  • Scopus Faculty: V.K Jebasingh, G.M Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Performance study of latest technology in parabolic trough collector for maximum energy utilization from the solar energy"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),
    Vol. 4, No. 1, PP.631-633
    Publisher: International Research Publication House
  • Others Faculty: Sachin V.Dev, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Flow induced vibration analysis of heat exchanger with three different types of tube bundles"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technology in Mechanical Science and Engineering
    Vol. 5, No. Feb., PP.-
    Publisher: NI University
  • Scopus Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, S.Selvan Nambi, A.Unnikrishan
    Article Title: "A brief reviews on environmental aspects of wind energy and biomass."
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 08, PP.Page.6371-6374
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: A.Unnikrishan, G.M.Joselin Herbert.
    Article Title: "Biomass: The energy for sustainable development"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 08, PP.Page.6355-6358
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • SCI Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, S.Iniyan, D.Amutha
    Article Title: "A review of technical issues on the development of wind farms"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review
    Vol. 32, No. April, PP.pp. 619-641
    Publisher: Elsevier publication
  • Others Faculty: V.K Jebasingh, G.M Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Theoretical and experimental investigation of elliptical receiver tube in solar parabolic trough collector"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technology in Mechanical Science and Engineering
    Vol. 4, No. Special Issue-1 March , PP.pp. 115-118
    Publisher: NI University
  • SCI Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, S.Iniyan, Ranko Goic
    Article Title: "Performance, Reliability and Failure Analysis of wind farms in India"
    Name of the Journal: Renewable Energy
    Vol. 35, No. 12, PP.PP. 2739-2751
    Publisher: Elsevier publication
  • Scopus Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, G.S. Jinu, Madhan s.Mohan, A.K.Kishore
    Article Title: "Performance and Failure Analyses of 33 MW Wind Farm"
    Name of the Journal: Procedia Engineering
    Vol. 38, No. December, PP.3722-3732
    Publisher: Elsevier publication
  • Scopus Faculty: G.M Joselin Herbert, S.Iniyan, L.Suganthi
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis of wind – Farm"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Green Energy, Energy & Environment
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.13-26
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • SCI Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, S.Iniyan, E.Sreevalsan, S.Rajapandian
    Article Title: "A Review of Wind Energy Technology"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review
    Vol. 11, No. 6, PP.pp. 1117-1145
    Publisher: Elsevier publication
  • Scopus Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, S.Iniyan, E.Sreevalsan, S.Rajapandian
    Article Title: "Prospects of Wind Energy In India"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI)
    Vol. Vol.26, , No. No ¾, PP.pp. 258-287
    Publisher: Inderscience Publishers.
  • Others Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, S.Rajapandian, S.Iniyan, E.Sreevalsan.
    Article Title: "Pareto Analysis On Various Problems Of Grid Connected Wind Energy"
    Name of the Journal: WINDPRO Journal
    Vol. No. 89, , No. March, PP. pp.25-30
    Publisher: Indian Wind Power Association
  • UGC Faculty: Raja, Dr.Rajesh
    Article Title: " Evaluation of carbon foot print in a diary firm using AHP"
    Name of the Journal: National journal of emerging technology in mechanical engineering
    Vol. 2, No. special issue, PP.217-220
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engg, NICHE
  • Scopus Faculty: Raja, Dr.Rajesh
    Article Title: " Development of a Hybrid BSC-AHP Model for Institutions in Higher Education "
    Name of the Journal: IJEM inderscience
    Vol. 1, No. 12, PP.314-318
    Publisher: inderscience
  • UGC Faculty: Raja, Prabu, Dr.Devananth
    Article Title: " Development of cad based platform for scorbot-ER vu industrial robot manipulator "
    Name of the Journal: Procedia engineering
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.117-121
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • UGC Faculty: Raja, Dr.Rajesh
    Article Title: " Suppliers selection in reverse logistic using analytical hierarchy process national "
    Name of the Journal: National journal of emerging technology in mechanical engineering
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.85-87
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engg, NICHE
  • UGC Faculty: Raja, Dr.Rajesh
    Article Title: " Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nano Fluids "
    Name of the Journal: National journal of emerging technology in mechanical engineering
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.52-58
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engg, NICHE
  • SCI Faculty: G.M. Joselin Herbert A.Unni Krishnan
    Article Title: "Quantifying environmentalperformanceofbiomassenergy"
    Name of the Journal: RenewableandSustainableEnergyReviews
    Vol. 59, No. 1, PP.292–308
    Publisher: ELSEVIER
  • Scopus Faculty: A.Unni Krishnan ,G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
    Vol. 8, No. 7, PP.474–482
    Publisher: IAEME Publication
  • Others Faculty: A.Unni Krishnan , G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.6355-6358
    Publisher: Research India Publications :
  • Scopus Faculty: G.M.Joselin Herbert, A. Unnikrishnan, D.Amutha
    Article Title: "Compendium of biomass technology for greenhouse gas emission reductions"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.6359-6362
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Selvan Nambi, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Status of Wind energy"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.6340-6343
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: Albi ., M Dev Anand, G M. Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Aerodynamic Analysis on Wind Turbine Aerofoil"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)
    Vol. 07, No. 3.27, PP.456-465
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation Publisher of International Academic Journals
  • Scopus Faculty: Thomas S., Herbert J, Varghese J.T.
    Article Title: "Energy Analysis and Projected Attributes of Sustainable Retrofit : A case study at SAINTGITS"
    Name of the Journal: IEEE Xplore (Digital Library) &
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: IEEE
  • Others Faculty: J.Devarenjan,G.M.Joselin Herbert, D.Amutha
    Article Title: "Utilization of Bioslurry from Biogas plant as fertilizer"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 4, PP.12210 - 12213
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Others Faculty: Sajan Thomas, Joselin Herbert, Jacob Thottathil Varghese,
    Article Title: "The projected deposition and removal of particulate matter by green façade drapes: a case study at SAINTGITS"
    Name of the Journal: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
    Vol. 489, No. 012034, PP.12-34
    Publisher: IOP Publishing
  • Scopus Faculty: Varghese J.T., Thomas S., Herbert J.
    Article Title: "A Sustanable Green Façade Retrofit for an Iconic Built Structure: A case study at SAINTGITS"
    Name of the Journal: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series (LNCE- 2020)
    Vol. 44, No. -, PP.419-432
    Publisher: Springer, Singapore
  • Others Faculty: Devarenjan J, Billgates J, G.M.Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Biodiesel - A Renewable Source of Energy"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT
    Vol. 08, No. 06, PP.4060 - 4065
    Publisher: IJ PUBLICATION
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "The Optimization of the Electro-Discharge Machining Process using Response Surface Methodology and Genetic Algorithms"
    Name of the Journal: Procedia Engineering
    Vol. 38, No. -, PP.3941-3950
    Publisher: science Direct
  • Others Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "Determination of an optimum parametric combination using a surface roughness in EDM process through response surface methodology"
    Name of the Journal: International Research Journal of Engineering Science, Technology and Innovation (IRJESTI)
    Vol. 1, No. 5, PP.145-151
    Publisher: IRJESTI
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "Hybrid modeling of process parameters produced by electric discharge machining using differential evaluation and particle swarm optimization"
    Name of the Journal: journal of advanced manufacturing systems
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.147-169
    Publisher: world Scientific
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "Experimental investigation on aluminium composite surface machined by electrical discharge machining process using response surface methodology"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Mechanical Engineering
    Vol. 10, No. 1, PP.11-15
    Publisher: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
  • UGC Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "• Improvement of Optimal Process Parameters in EDM of Aluminium Based Alloy and Composite Materials Using RSM"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of the Association of Engineers
    Vol. 84, No. 1-2, PP.69-81
    Publisher: Journal of the Association of Engineers
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "• Investigation on Optimal Process Parameters in EDM of LM25 Al/15%SiCp Using Response Surface MethodologyThrough Mathematical Modeling, "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.6350-6354
    Publisher: Science Journal Publishers in India
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "Development of Hybrid Modeling and Prediction of SR in EDM of AISI1020 Steel Material Using ANFIS"
    Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Science and Technology
    Vol. 9, No. 13, PP.1-11
    Publisher: Indian Society for Education and Environment
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "Prediction of EDM Process Parameters for a Composite Material using RBFNN and ANN through RSM"
    Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Science and Technology
    Vol. 9, No. 13, PP.1-12
    Publisher: Indian Society for Education and Environment.
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "A survey on current research trends in electro discharge machining and their performances on MRR, TWR and SR"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.903-918
    Publisher: SPB Pharma Society
  • Scopus Faculty: R. Rajesh , M. Dev Anand , P. Gopu , E. Raja Sherin
    Article Title: "ANFIS-based surface roughness prediction model for EDM of aluminium-based composite material"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
    Vol. 7, No. 4, PP.365-381
    Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: Dev Anand M , K.A. Janardhanan , R. Rajesh , D. Ramachandran.
    Article Title: "Fibre Reinforced Plastic Material with Aluminum Filling Used for Ship Superstructure"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 1, PP.351-355
    Publisher: SPB Pharma Society
  • Scopus Faculty: Xavier Irudhya Raj Y , Rajesh R , Dev Anand M2 , Rohit IJ
    Article Title: "Advanced Machining Performance Study on Hardened Steel EN 31: A Differential Evaluation Approach"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.456-461
    Publisher: SPB Pharma Society
  • Scopus Faculty: M. Dev Anand , R. Rajesh , K.A. Janardhanan , I.J. Rohit
    Article Title: "Study and Analysis of a Cryogenic Pressure Vessel Design for the Storage of Liquefied Natural Gas"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.933-941
    Publisher: SPB Pharma Society
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "Modeling and Analysis of MRR and SR in EDM of AISI 1020 through RSM"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 1, PP.369-377
    Publisher: SPB Pharma Society
  • Scopus Faculty: R.Rajesh and M. DevAnand
    Article Title: "Prediction of EDM Process Parameters for AISI 1020 Steel using RSM, GRA and ANN"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 253, PP.51-63
    Publisher: BEIESP
  • Scopus Faculty: P. Gopu, M. Dev Anand and R. Rajesh
    Article Title: "Prediction of Electrical Discharge Machining Process Parameters by Artificial Neural Network Based on Response Surface Method"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.335-344
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: K.S. Jai Aultrin, M. Dev Anand, R. Rajesh, S. Muthu Sherin
    Article Title: "PSO Research on Cutting Parameters in AWJM Process for Aluminum 6061 Alloy"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
    Vol. 8, No. 2S3, PP.64-71
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Sudhin Chundran,R.Rajesh and M.Dev Anand
    Article Title: "A Review – Studies on heat treatment of Laser Beam Welded Ti,/Al dissimilar sheet metals, Journal of advanced research in dynamical & control systems"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 11, No. 8, PP.725-733
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: C. S. Shyn, R. Rajesh, and M. Dev Anand
    Article Title: "• Review of aluminium 6061 metal matrix composites fabricated using stir casting method and applications"
    Name of the Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
    Vol. 2317, No. 1, PP.030017-27
    Publisher: American Institute of Physics
  • Scopus Faculty: C. S. Shyn, R. Rajesh, and M. Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Optimization algorithms and intelligent techniques on electrical discharge machining process"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.15-29
    Publisher: world Scientific
  • Scopus Faculty: C. S. Shyn, R. Rajesh, and M. Dev Anand
    Article Title: "A6061/B4C MMCs fabrication, experimental investigation and prediction of properties"
    Name of the Journal: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
    Vol. 1017, No. iCADMA 2020, PP.11-12
    Publisher: IOP Publishing
  • Scopus Faculty: A, Anu Kuttan, R. Rajesh, M. Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Abrasive water jet machining techniques and parameters: a state of the art, open issue challenges and research directions"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
    Vol. 43, No. 220, PP.1-14
    Publisher: Springer Verlag
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Sudhin Chundran,R.Rajesh and M.Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Analysis of mechanical properties and optimization of laser beam welding parameters on dissimilar metal titanium (Ti6Al4V) and aluminium (A6061) by factorial and ANOVA techniques"
    Name of the Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings
    Vol. 42, No. Part 2, PP.508-514
    Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Sudhin Chundran,R.Rajesh and M.Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Multi-response optimization of process parameters for laser beam welding of AA6061-Ti6Al4V by grey relational analysis"
    Name of the Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings
    Vol. In press, No. In press, PP.In press
    Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Sudhin Chundran,R.Rajesh and M.Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Impact of heat treatment on laser beam welded aluminium (A6061)-titanium (Ti6al4v) dissimilar sheet metals"
    Name of the Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
    Vol. 2317, No. 1, PP.020014
    Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Sudhin Chundran,R.Rajesh and M.Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Laser beam welding: research state of the art on performance and measures"
    Name of the Journal: Control & Cybernetics
    Vol. 49, No. 1, PP.123-153
    Publisher: Academy of Science
  • Scopus Faculty: R. Rajesh, M. Dev Anand, and P. Gopu
    Article Title: "Surface Roughness Prediction Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Model in EDM"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
    Vol. 10, No. 45, PP.31989-31996
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: S.Sudhin Chundran,R.Rajesh and M.Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Investigation on Post-Weld Heat Treated Titanium-Aluminum Dissimilar Laser Welded Joint"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C
    Vol. 102, No. 3, PP.1-7
    Publisher: Springer India
  • Scopus Faculty: R. Rajesh, N. Muhammedshafi, A. Mohammed, R. Jishnu, Shiyan Shihab, Shine B Chandran
    Article Title: "Development of Optimized EDM Parameters for LM25 Aluminium Composite Using Prediction Tool"
    Name of the Journal: Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems
    Vol. 11, No. 8, PP.773-783
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • SCI Faculty: R.Ramesh Palappan , Dr.A.Pasupathy
    Article Title: "Heating And Cooling Capacity Of Phase Change Material Coupled With Screen Mesh Wick Heat Pipe for Thermal Energy Storage Applications"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Thermal Sciences
    Vol. 24, No. 1, PP.723-734
    Publisher: VIN?A Institute of Nuclear Sciences
  • UGC Faculty: Dr.R.Ramesh Palappan , Dr.R.Radhika
    Article Title: "A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Green Channel Counter, with Special Reference to SBI "
    Name of the Journal: Test Engineering and Management Journal
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.8001 - 8006
    Publisher: IFERP
  • Scopus Faculty: M. V. Bindu, G. M. Joseline Herbert
    Article Title: "Applications of Parabolic Trough Concentrating Technology: A Review"
    Name of the Journal: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 700)
    Vol. 700, No. -, PP.361 - 370
    Publisher: Springer, Singapore
  • Scopus Faculty: M.V. Bindu and G.M. Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "A review on application of nanomaterials in heat transfer fluid forparabolic trough concentrator"
    Name of the Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • Scopus Faculty: Saji, S.S., Ramasamy, N., Chandramana, S.B.
    Article Title: "Sustainable supply chain management: A hybrid method to assess the drivers"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
    Vol. 29, No. 8, PP.2165-2182
    Publisher: Science & Engineering Research support Society
  • SCI Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K
    Article Title: "Localization and segmentation of metal cracks using deep learning"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.4205-4213
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K
    Article Title: "An effective surface defect detection method using adaptive thresholding fused with PSO algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology
    Vol. 19, No. 6, PP.11.1-11.7
    Publisher: UK Simulation Society
  • Scopus Faculty: Dev Anand, M., Ramasamy,N.
    Article Title: "PV system simulation using various incremental algorithms applied in maximum power point tracking: A Comparative Study"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 1C2, PP.980-988
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K
    Article Title: "A heuristic fuzzy clustering approach for defect detection on titanium coated metal surface"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 4, PP.105-111
    Publisher: USA
  • Others Faculty: Y. Sujar; P. Balachandran; N. Ramasamy;
    Article Title: "Six Sigma and the Level of Quality Characteristics- A Study on Indian Software Industries"
    Name of the Journal: AIMS international journal of management
    Vol. 2, No. 1, PP.17-27
    Publisher: AJIM
  • Scopus Faculty: Joselin Herbert G.M. , Selvan Nambi S , Devarenjan J
    Article Title: "A Parametric Study and Field Data Analysis of a Wind Farm"
    Name of the Journal: Solid State Technology
    Vol. 63, No. 2S, PP.8817 - 8833
    Publisher: Pennwell Corporation, US
  • Scopus Faculty: Suresh Lal S R, Joselin Herbert G M, Pradeep Arjunan, Abhilash Suryan
    Article Title: "Advancements in renewable energy transition in India: A review"
    Name of the Journal: Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
    Vol. online published, No. January, PP.1 - 31
    Publisher: Taylor and Francis
  • SCI Faculty: Pradeep Arjunan,Joselin Herbert Gnana Muthu,Suresh Lal Somanasari Radha,Abhilash Suryan
    Article Title: "Selection of working fluids for solar organic Rankine cycle—A review"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Energy Research
    Vol. February, No. special issue, PP.1-27
    Publisher: Wiley
  • Scopus Faculty: M. V. Bindu, G. M. Joselin Herbert
    Article Title: "Experimental Investigation of Stability, optimal property and Thermal Conductivity of Water based MWCNT-Al2O3-ZnO mono, binary and ternory nano fluid"
    Name of the Journal: Syntheteic Metals
    Vol. 287, No. 11, PP.117058
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • SCI Faculty: Raja Soma Sundaram Pillai  · Rajesh Rajamoni  · Indran Suyambulingam  · Isaac Rajamony Suthies Goldy 1  · Divya Divakaran 3
    Article Title: "Synthesis and characterization of cost-e?ective industrial discarded natural ceramic particulates from Cymbopogon fexuosus plant shoot for potential polymer/metal matrix reinforcement"
    Name of the Journal: Polymer bulletin
    Vol. 0, No. 0, PP.1-42
    Publisher: Springer
  • SCI Faculty: Raja Soma Sundaram, Rajesh Rajamoni, Indran Suyambulingam & Rimal Isaac
    Article Title: "Comprehensive Characterization of Industrially Discarded Cymbopogon Flexuosus Stem Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composites: Effect of Fiber Length and Weight Fraction"
    Name of the Journal: Natural Fibers
    Vol. 0, No. 0, PP.1-17
    Publisher: Taylor and Francis
  • SCI Faculty: Raja Somasundaram , Rajesh Rajamoni Indran Suyambulingam
    Article Title: "Utilization of discarded Cymbopogon flexuosus root waste as a novel lignocellulosic fiber for lightweight polymer composite application"
    Name of the Journal: Polymer composite
    Vol. 43, No. 5, PP.1-16
    Publisher: Wiley
  • SCI Faculty: D. Divya ,Jenish , and S. Raja
    Article Title: "Comprehensive Characterization of Furcraea selloa K. Koch Peduncle Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Composites—Effect of Fiber Length and Weight Ratio"
    Name of the Journal: Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
    Vol. 2022, No. 0, PP.1-10
    Publisher: Hindawi
  • SCI Faculty: S Raja ,R Rajesh , S Indran and G Suganya Priyadharshini
    Article Title: "Characterization of industrial discarded novel Cymbopogon flexuosus stem fiber: A potential replacement for synthetic fiber"
    Name of the Journal: Industrial textile
    Vol. 0, No. 0, PP.1-28
    Publisher: SAGE
  • Scopus Faculty: Chandran, S., Rajesh, R., Anand, M.D.
    Article Title: "Investigation on Post-Weld Heat Treated Titanium-Aluminum Dissimilar Laser Welded Joint"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C
    Vol. 4, No. 102, PP.967–973
    Publisher: Institution of Engineers
  • Scopus Faculty: Shyn, C.S., Rajesh, R.
    Article Title: "Optimization algorithms and intelligent techniques on electrical discharge machining process"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computingthis link is disabled
    Vol. 4, No. 12, PP.2150015
    Publisher: World Scientific
  • SCI Faculty: Anu Kuttan, A., Rajesh, R., Dev Anand, M.
    Article Title: "Abrasive water jet machining techniques and parameters: a state of the art, open issue challenges and research directions"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
    Vol. 4, No. 43, PP.220
    Publisher: Springer
  • SCI Faculty: Sudhin Chandran, R Rajesh, M Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Laser Beam Welded Aluminum-Titanium Dissimilar Sheet Metals: Neural Network Based Strength and Hardness Prediction Model"
    Name of the Journal: The Computer Journal
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: Oxford University
  • SCI Faculty: Albert seldon and R.Rajesh
    Article Title: "Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of Hemp/Rice-Husk/E-Glass Fiber Cardanol Epoxy Matrix Hybrid Composites"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Natural Fibers
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • SCI Faculty: Raja Somasundaram, P. Senthamaraikannan, Indran Suyambulingam, M. Kanthababu, G.M. Madhu, Suchart Siengchin
    Article Title: "Greening the composite industry: Evaluating Lantana camara Verbenaceae fiber as a promising substitute for lightweight polymer matrix composites"
    Name of the Journal: Industrial Crops and Products
    Vol. 220, No. -, PP.119265
    Publisher: elsevier
  • SCI Faculty: Raja Somasundaram, M. Somasundaram, P. Ananchaperumal, I. Suyambulingam, S. Siengchin
    Article Title: "Enhancing properties and sustainability: Surface modified Cymbopogon flexuosus stem fiber for green composite materials"
    Name of the Journal: Polymer Composite
    Vol. 45, No. 3, PP.2809-2824
    Publisher: Wiley
  • SCI Faculty: R. Jagadeesan, I. Suyambulingam, Raja. Somasundaram, D. Divakaran, S. Siengchin
    Article Title: "Isolation and characterization of novel microcellulose from Sesamum indicum agro-industrial residual waste oil cake: conversion of biowaste to wealth approach"
    Name of the Journal: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
    Vol. 13, No. 1, PP. 4427–4441
    Publisher: Springer
  • SCI Faculty: J Rantheesh, S Indran, S Raja, Suchart Siengchin
    Article Title: "Isolation and characterization of novel micro cellulose from Azadirachta indica A. Juss agro-industrial residual waste oil cake for futuristic applications"
    Name of the Journal: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
    Vol. 13, No. 1, PP.4393–4411
    Publisher: Springer
  • SCI Faculty: S, Indran, Divya D, Raja S, Sanjay M.R., and Suchart Siengchin
    Article Title: "Physico-Chemical, Mechanical and Morphological Characterization of Furcraea Selloa K.Koch Plant Leaf Fibers-An Exploratory Investigation"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Natural Fibers
    Vol. 20, No. 1, PP.111213
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr. P. JEROLD JOSE
    Article Title: "Comprehensive Analysis of TIG Welded Inconel–718 Alloy for Different Heat Input Conditions"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering & Technology
    Vol. 7, No. 3.6, PP.206-209
    Publisher: SPC
  • SCI Faculty: T. Judson durai and M.Sivapragash
    Article Title: "Effect of Sintering Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Mg-HA Composites"
    Name of the Journal: Metal Science and Heat Treatment
    Vol. 62, No. 3-4, PP.285-291
    Publisher: springer
  • SCI Faculty: R Dinesh, Stanly Jones Retnam
    Article Title: "Effects of hydrogen and chicken waste blends in the internal combustion engines for superior engine performance and emission characteristics assisted with graphite oxide"
    Name of the Journal: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
    Vol. 96, No. 8, PP.1099-1107
    Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr. P. JEROLD JOSE
    Article Title: "Optimization of Weld Bead Profile Parameters in TIG Welding Process for Inconel 718 Alloy Using RSM and Regression Analysis "
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 4, PP.1953 -1962
    Publisher: JCPS
  • Scopus Faculty: T. Judson durai, M. Sivapragash & M. Edwin sahayaraj
    Article Title: "Effect of Sintering Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Mg-Zr Alloy"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)
    Vol. Vol. 7, No. Issue 5, PP.117-122
    Publisher: TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.
  • Scopus Faculty: R Dinesh, B Retnam, M Devanand
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis on Chicken Slaughter Waste Extracted Biodiesel on DI Engines."
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems (IJVSS)
    Vol. 14, No. 3, PP.336
    Publisher: IJVSS
  • SCI Faculty: C. S. Shyn, R. Rajesh and M. Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Optimization-Based Hybrid Intelligent Model for Decision Making on Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Process of A6061/6%B4C and A6061/9%SiC Composite Materials"
    Name of the Journal: Cybernetics and Systems
    Vol. 54, No. 6, PP.836–858
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • Scopus Faculty: T. Judson durai, M. Sivapragash & M. Edwin sahayaraj
    Article Title: "Corrosion Behavior of Mg-Zr alloy in Stimulated Body Fluid"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)
    Vol. Vol. 7, No. Issue 6, PP.305-312
    Publisher: TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr. P. JEROLD JOSE
    Article Title: " Effect of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties and Modeling of Pulsed TIG Welding of Inconel 718 Alloy"
    Name of the Journal: I J C T A, 9(7), 2016, pp. 3373-3389
    Vol. 9, No. 7, PP.3373-3389
    Publisher: International Science Press
  • SCI Faculty: Sudhin Chandran, R Rajesh, M Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Laser Beam Welded Aluminum-Titanium Dissimilar Sheet Metals: Neural Network Based Strength and Hardness Prediction Model"
    Name of the Journal: The Computer Journal
    Vol. 66, No. 3, PP.1053–1068
    Publisher: Oxford Academic
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr. P. JEROLD JOSE
    Article Title: "Optimization of Weld Bead Profile Parameters in TIG Welding Process for Inconel 718 Alloy Using RSM and Regression Analysis "
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 4, PP.1953 -1962
    Publisher: IAEME Publication
    Name of the Journal: Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association
    Vol. 30, No. 2, PP.218 - 229
    Publisher: SBC
  • Scopus Faculty: A. Anu Kuttan, R. Rajesh & M. Dev Anand
    Article Title: "Employing Aluminum Matrix Composite for Stir Casting Process for Investigating the Performance of A1-6061"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D
    Vol. 105, No. -, PP.395–403
    Publisher: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India)
  • Others Faculty: Dr. P. JEROLD JOSE
    Article Title: "Activated TIG (A-TIG) Welding Process – A Retrospective Analysis "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
    Vol. 9, No. 26, PP.9508-9511
    Publisher: Research India Publications;
  • Scopus Faculty: Makam Praneeth Kumar; G. Surya Prakash Rao; R. Rajesh
    Article Title: "Static and modal analysis of turbine rotor blade at an angle of 21°"
    Name of the Journal: AIP Conference Proceeding
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.2937, 020059 (2024)
    Publisher: AIP Publishing
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr. P. JEROLD JOSE
    Article Title: "Retrospective Study on Weld Bead Profile Study of Various Welding Process"
    Name of the Journal: Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems,
    Vol. 11, No. 8, PP.827-831
    Publisher: jrdcs
  • SCI Faculty: Kedarnath, MP; Ramasamy, N;
    Article Title: "Investigation on Mechanical and Water Transport Properties of Papaya-Banana Fiber Based Hybrid Epoxy Composites Reinforced with Waste Matchsticks Particles"
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.1
    Publisher: springer
  • SCI Faculty: Karunakaran, SK; Ramasamy, N; (...); Santhi, N
    Article Title: "Factor analysis of environmental effects in circular closed-loop supply chain network design and modelling under uncertainty in the manufacturing industry"
    Vol. 34, No. 1, PP.e22229
    Publisher: WILEY
  • SCI Faculty: Kumar, SSD; Resselian Rajesh and Manoharan, DA
    Article Title: "Characterization of novel cellulosic fiber from agro-waste Licuala grandis leaf stalk for sustainable reinforcement in bio-composites"
    Name of the Journal: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
    Vol. -, No. 4, PP.-
    Publisher: Springer
  • SCI Faculty: Ramakrishnan, V; Ramasamy, N; (...); Santhi, N
    Article Title: "Supply Chain Management Efficiency Improvement in the Automobile Industry Using Lean Six Sigma and Artificial Neural Network"
    Vol. 71, No. 1, PP.3278-3294
  • SCI Faculty: P. Berlin push
    Article Title: "Experimental investment investigation on mechanical properties of al2024 doped with free synthesized quantum dots"
    Name of the Journal: Revista materia
    Vol. 28, No. 1, PP.4
    Publisher: Rio de Janeiro
  • Scopus Faculty: P. Berlin Push
    Article Title: "Assessment of aluminum metal matrix composites"
    Name of the Journal: Transteller
    Vol. 28, No. 1, PP.4
    Publisher: Taansteller
  • SCI Faculty: Sijithra, PC; Santhi, N and Ramasamy, N
    Article Title: "A review study on early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using artificial intelligence assisted diagnostic methods"
    Vol. 166, No. 1, PP.1
  • SCI Faculty: Karunakaran, S.K. , Ramasamy, N. , Dev Anand, M. , Santhi, N.
    Vol. 22, No. 2, PP.209-237
  • Scopus Faculty: Ayswer, A.S. , Ramasamy, N. , Anand, M.D. , Santhi, N.
    Article Title: "Analysing the Performance of a Manufacturing Firm Using Hierarchical Approach"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C
    Vol. 105, No. 3, PP.417-426
    Publisher: springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Ayswer A S; Ramasamy N; (...); Santhi N
    Article Title: "Determination of Sustainable Factors in Green Supply Chain Management With the Adoption of Green Logistics in the Manufacturing Industry"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C
    Vol. 105, No. 1, PP.417-426
    Publisher: springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Sunil Kumar Karunakaran; Ramasamy Narayanan; (...); Nagarajan Santhi
    Article Title: "Determination of Sustainable Factors in Green Supply Chain Management With the Adoption of Green Logistics in the Manufacturing Industry"
    Name of the Journal: Environmental Claims Journal
    Vol. 35, No. 4, PP.367-387
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis online
  • Scopus Faculty: Fathima Beevi M.; Santhi N. and Ramasamy N.
    Article Title: "Smart Sight: Intelligent Vision for Stroke Lesion Detection and Classification"
    Name of the Journal: SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 8, PP.98-110
    Publisher: seventh sense Research group
  • Others Faculty: R.Rajesh
    Article Title: "Mechanical Properties Of Al-6061 Composite Coordinated With Titanium Carbide By Mix Projecting Interaction"
    Name of the Journal: Conference Proceeding(NCRAET2024)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.170-177
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: R.Rajesh, Collin Eric M, Shaji Akash A C
    Name of the Journal: NCRAET2K24(Conference Proceeding)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.97-99
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE
  • Others Faculty: R.Rajesh , Gowtham B , Guru Vignesh E
    Name of the Journal: Conference Proceeding(NCRAET2024)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.103-105
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE
  • Others Faculty: R.Rajesh , Berbin K
    Name of the Journal: Conference Proceeding(NCRAET2024)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Anu Kuttan, R. Rajesh, M. Dev Anand
    Name of the Journal: Conference Proceeding(NCRAET2024)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.170-177
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Siga selvin, R. Rajesh, M. Dev Anand
    Name of the Journal: Conference Proceeding(NCRAET2024)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.178-183
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE
  • Others Faculty: R. Rajesh , Giju Mon DK
    Name of the Journal: Conference Proceeding(NCRAET2024)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.184-190
    Publisher: Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr.R.Ramesh Palappn
    Article Title: "Adoption of Project Management Methodology and Challenges Faced: A Comparative Analysis between Government IT Sector and IT Organisations in the Corporate Sector in Kerala"
    Name of the Journal: Webology, Special Issue on Current Trends in
    Vol. Volume 18, No. Special Issue on Current Trends in, PP.Pages: 939-961
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr.R.Ramesh Palappan
    Article Title: "Impact of Project Management Practices in Delivery of E-Governance Services"
    Name of the Journal: Review of International Geographical Education
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.-
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr.R.Ramesh Palappn
    Article Title: "Conceptual Frame work for Project Management for E- Governance Service Development"
    Name of the Journal: International of Professional Business Review
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.-
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: D.R.Ramesh Palappn
    Article Title: "Role of Project Management Methodology in Challenges Faced in Implementation of Information System Project in the New Normal After Pandemic"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Health Sciences
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: ISSN: 2249-9571
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr.R.Ramesh Palappan
    Article Title: "Identifying the relevant project management tools in implementation of e-governance projects – Journey from traditional to agile"
    Name of the Journal: Published by AIP Publishing
    Vol. 020038-1–020038-14, No. 020038-1–020038-14, PP.-
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr.R.Ramesh Palappan
    Article Title: "Impact of Age Differences on Various Training Practices in IT Industry"
    Name of the Journal: Eur. Chem. Bull.
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.-
    Publisher: ISSN: 2063-5346
  • Others Faculty: N. shalom,
    Article Title: "Mechanical Characterization of Bamboo Fiber over Glass and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Management
    Vol. II, No. I, PP.517-522
    Publisher: IJATEM
  • Others Faculty: N. shalom,
    Article Title: "CFD Analysis on Marine Propeller with Various Geometrical Conditions"
    Name of the Journal: RO Journals Recent Research Reviews Journal
    Vol. II, No. II, PP.242-255
    Publisher: IRO
  • Others Faculty: N. shalom,
    Article Title: "Design and FEM-based Analysis of Wheel Rims"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology
    Vol. 11, No. VIII , PP.1297-1302
    Publisher: IJRASET
  • Others Faculty: N. shalom,
    Article Title: "Convergent Divergent Nozzle Design and Analysis to Increase Working Effectiveness"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology
    Vol. 11, No. VIII , PP.1303-1309
    Publisher: IJRASET
  • Scopus Faculty: Jacob Thottathil Varghese,Sajan Thomas, G.M.Joselin Herbert, Chacko Preno Koshy, Arjun Venugopal
    Article Title: ""Airborne Acoustic Transmission and Terrain Topography at SAINTGITS Amphitheatre: An Analysis of Outdoor Auditory Perception and Comparison of Contour Plots""
    Name of the Journal: Sound & Vibration
    Vol. 56, No. 3, PP.255-274
    Publisher: Tech Science Press
  • Scopus Faculty: R Ravikumar, G M Joselin Herbert, Leo Binoy, R Ratheesh, T S Krishnakumar & C R Indulal
    Article Title: "Experimental investigations on the thermal properties of rare earth-metal oxide based therminol nano fluids for heat transfer applications"
    Name of the Journal: Sadhana
    Vol. 48, No. 62, PP.1-9
    Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: Anish, J., Joselin Herbert, G.M., Balaji, K
    Article Title: "Improvement in aerodynamic efficiency of trainer aircraft wing using co flow jet method"
    Name of the Journal: Aerospace Systems
    Vol. 7, No. -, PP.559–564
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Jebaraj, S.T.A. , Ramasamy, N. , Anand, M.D. , Santhi, N.
    Article Title: "Parametric analysis of non-linear suspension system by optimal MR damper by rider model with sensor"
    Name of the Journal: Asian journal of Civil Engineering
    Vol. 25, No. 2, PP.1413-1425
    Publisher: Springer Link
  • SCI Faculty: Aravind Ambika Gangadharan,Rajesh Resselian,Dev Anand Manoharan
    Article Title: "Extraction and characterization of biofber from the Phoenix sylvestris leaf sheath biowaste for probable reinforcement in polymer composites"
    Name of the Journal: Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: N. Shalom , Dr.B. Stanly Jones Retnam , Dr.J. Edwin Raja Dhas Dr.M. Dev Ana
    Article Title: "Comparative Analysis of Flexural Properties of Bamboo-Glass Hybrid FRP Composites: Influence of Water Absorption"
    Name of the Journal: Natural and Engineering Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.441 - 448
    Publisher: DergiPark
  • SCI Faculty: Haewon Byeon , N. Shalom , Amaravadi Rama Krishna , Megala Rajendran , M.C. Priyadarshini , Anu Tonk , and J. Sunil
    Article Title: "Exploring the harmful textile and pharmaceutical industries pollutant degradation mechanism and biological applications of MgO – SiO2 nanocomposite for environmental sustainability "
    Name of the Journal: Global NEST Journal
    Vol. 26, No. 10, PP.1
    Publisher: Environmental Science and Technology
  • Dr.G.M.Joselin Herbert, Innovation Patent (Australian), "", A simulation based methodology to analyse the airborne acoustic transmission in a Built environment a simulation based methodology to analyse the airborne acoustic transmission in a Built environment
  • Dr.G.M.Joselin Herbert, Indian Patent Advanced Search System, "", Lead Screw with Motor Mechanism
  • Dr. Rajesh. R, Government of India, "", Abrasive, Magnetic Field and Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Micro-Amp for Electro Chemical Machining
  • Dr. Rajesh. R, Government of India, "", AI based 3D printing device
  • Dr. Rajesh. R, Government of India, "", Hybrid streetlight based on solar and hydro power used in water resource region
  • Dr. Raja. S, IPR, "", Protecto tread tyre with radiant absorb technology
  • Dr. Ramesh Palappan R, -, "", Conceptual Frame work for Project Management for E- Governance Service Development
  • Mr. Shalom N, Intellectual Property India. Patent and Design Journal., "", HYBRID STREETLIGHT BASED ON SOLAR AND HYDRO POWER USED IN WATER RESOURCES REGION
  • Dr. Joselin Herbert G M, Innovation Patent (Australian), "", A simulation based methodology to analyse the airborne acoustic transmission in a Built environment
  • Dr. Joselin Herbert G M, Indian Patent, "", Protecto Tread Tyre with Radiant Absorb Technology
  • Dr. Ramasamy N, IPR-Innovation Patent, "", AI Based 3D PRINTING DEVICE
  • Dr. Jerold Jose P, Intelluguial Property -India, "", PROTECTO TREAD TYRE WITH RADIANT ABSORB TECHNOLOG
  • Mr. Shalom N, Intellectual Property India. Patent and Design Journal., "", Metal Detection System
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